Workstation of popular websites

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 9:18 PM

As a blogger myself, I’ve always wondered what other people’s workstations look like. I realize many of you probably wonder the same thing, so I’ve decided to prepare this post which includes photos of work spaces from popular blogs and websites.

Most pictures show Mac computers being used, sometimes in conjunction with PC’s and/or laptops. It’s also interesting to see how some spaces are very clean and minimalistic, while others draw inspiration from busier set ups.

Thanks to all of you that participated in this fun article and sent their images. Finally, if you have a popular website or blog and would like to be featured here, simply contact me so that I can include it here. The article will be expanded as other photos get submitted over the coming days.

Now, let’s go explore some interesting workstations and get inspired…

Chris Spooner’s SpoonGraphics

Brian Hoff’s The Design Cubicle

Darren Rowse’s Problogger

Jay Hilgert’s BittBox

Elliot Jay Stocks

Walter Apai’s Webdesigner Depot

Jonathan Snook’s Snook

Henry Jones’ WebDesignLedger

Gino Orlandi’s YouTheDesigner

Wolfgang’s Bartelme

Navdeep Raj’s Dezinerfolio

Steven Snell’s and Vandelay Design

Dan Rubin’s SuperfluousBanter

Todd Garland’s BuySellAds

Scott Willoughby’s SEOMoz

Nick La’s Web Designer Wall

Gabriel Segura’s CSS Mania

Chris Coyier’s CSS-Tricks


Kai Loon’s Kailoon

Niki Brown’s The Design O’Blog


James Qu’s PSD Vault

David and Marc Perel’s We Are Not Freelancers

Frank Jeitz’s FudgeGraphics

Matt Cronin’s Spoonfed Design

Adelle Charles’ Fuel Your Creativity

David Appleyard’s Design Shack and David

Jacob Cass’ Just Creative Design

Dmitry Fadeyev’s Usability Post

Andrew Houle’s My Ink Blog

Daved’s Broche’s Outlaw Design Blog

Alex Giron’s CSS Beauty

Alen Grakalic’s CSS Globe

Eli Burford’s Design Blurb

Eva Sajdak & Paul Wozniak’s My Photoshop Brushes

John Mills’ CSS Remix

Liam McKay’s We Function

Chad Mueller’s Inspiredology

Jan’s Dawghouse

Aran Down’s Studio 7 Designs

David Legget’s Tutorial 9

David Airey

Darius Monsef’s Colour Lovers


1 Responses to Workstation of popular websites

  1. Excellent tutorial.. I have used your tutorial really fantastic. Thanks for post.

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